The stored procedure in question used an OUT parameter with a "cursor" type, this is how Oracle can "return" the results of a select statement. (I can feel my CS professor grading this now: "D-, NEVER use Out Params!" some languages like Java do not even have out params). And then the NEXT challenge: How do you call that from Java? Good question - this case doesn't happen in the abridged JDBC docs, nor in the Hibernate nor Spring frameworks docs either.
JDBC has standard support for ResultSets returned from a stored procedure CallableStatment, this is how many DB vendors like Postgres and SQLServer work. In those drivers, Statement.exeecuteQuery() returns a ResultSet. But Oracle has a long history of having backwards and low-compatibility issues for JDBC details,and this is another case of Oracle jamming their square-peg stored procedures into the round hole of JDBC. But you can make it work.
Here are the "challenges":
* Oracle Stored Procedures CANNOT return a result set (it's an old design?)
* Oracle "gives" you SYS_REFCURSOR on an OUT param (not a JDBC standard, so that's an odd feeling)
* Oracle's JDBC driver does not have a JDBC-standard way to do this, they require OracleType.CURSOR
* Oracle's driver rejects the "OTHER" SQL Type, so you cannot use this JDBC Standard either
Step 1: Your stored procedure
Oracle stored procedures can use an OUT param with type SYS_REFCURSOR to return results of a SQL Select:CREATE PROCEDURE "JAY_PROC" ( st_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ).... --details below
Step 2: CallableStatment
Of course, been there, done that - the ol' JDBC way to call stored procedures:CallableStatement cs = connection.prepareCall("call jay_proc(?)");
Step 3: register the OUT param
Feeling squeemish? It's OK... we are almost finished'll feel a small prick in your good programming sense:cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleType.CURSOR); cs.execute();
Step 4: blink... cast the ResultSet ??!
err.. Yes, it's true, the object returned is actually a ResultSet, but you have to cast it:ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) cs.getObject(1);
Step 5: Use the ResultSet as normal, JDBC calls
Whew! It's over.. Now we have what we wanted, a ResultSet:while({
Oracle does not directly support stored procedures that return ResultSet, but with these 3 or 4 steps, you can get the stored procedure with a cursor to work. I assume that Oracle's JDBC driver does the work of mapping their cursor object to a JDBC-compliant ResultSet, which is nice. But if I had a preference, I would wish for Oracle to support procedures that can return rows from a select. Then you could use the execute() method to return a ResultSet directly without the odd casting operation in step 4.Ideally you would use a SQL Select statement and the PreparedStatement JDBC object, but I was saddled with an existing stored procedure in this case. I do not recommend using stored procedures for almost any use case, if you can avoid it. Instead I prefer to use Java's standard JPA as much as possible.
Here is the working code:
package com.harpoontech.test.dao; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource; public class TestOracleStoredProcedure { /** * The SQL TYPE for an Oracle CURSOR in a Oracle Stored Procedure. * This duplicates the OracleTypes.CURSOR, but with this constant * we do not need to import* jars into this project. * However this class is still 100% dependent on Oracle at runtime * and cannot be unit tested without Oracle. */ private int ORACLE_CURSOR_TYPE=-10; public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { TestOracleStoredProcedure t = new TestOracleStoredProcedure(); t.test(); } public void test() throws SQLException { //let Spring create a Data source for the Oracle connections DriverManagerDataSource ds = new DriverManagerDataSource(); String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1525:DEVDB"; ds.setUrl(url); ds.setUsername("scott"); ds.setPassword("tiger"); CallableStatement cs = ds.getConnection() .prepareCall("call jay_proc(?)"); cs.registerOutParameter(1, ORACLE_CURSOR_TYPE); cs.execute(); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) cs.getObject(1); while({ System.out.println("title:"+rs.getString(1)+" author:" +rs.getString(2)); } rs.close(); cs.close(); } /* --the Oracle 9+ stored proc with 1 OUT parameter for the results of a select: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "JAY_PROC" ( st_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ) is BEGIN OPEN st_cursor FOR SELECT TITLE, AUTHOR, ISBN_ID FROM books; end JAY_PROC; */ }
* I used the Spring DriverManagerDataSource, but you could replace that with straight JDBC calls* Notice I used my own constant ORACLE_CURSOR_TYPE to avoid importing the oracle dependencies.
* You can pass the ResultSet object to another framework like Spring-JDBC, if you like
* I found most of this by using the debugger to show what Oracle drivers were really doing
And what about SENDING a ResultSet?
I'll Explain, I must send a list of tickets to one oracle procedure that i can't modify
The procedure statement its more or less in this way
coderror OUT VARCHAR2) IS
it's posible to send from java to Oracle?
Great stuff. This saved me a lot of time and frustration. There aren't many good examples out there.
Great stuff. Thanks.
Question does the '?' in the call (call jay_proc(?)) somehow represent the "ResultSet"?
Thanks for this. My JDBC CallableStatement sample that works with Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, ASE, SQL Anywhere, and HANA had to be modified considerably to work with Oracle.
I tried this code and get the following error.
InternalError: Cannot convert [JavaPackage] to java.lang.Integer (dba9d706-1002-4f2f-862d-268d24d0ed64#4660)
I am actually calling java code from within javascript, so there is no casting in step 4 since everything is var in javascript.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
This was a great help :) thanx again this is the only exMPLE that was simple and yet
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